Firstly, computer-related eye fatigue affects just under 50% of Australian office workers (ComCare 2012 p.5).
Secondly, how we sit or stand while viewing the screen has implications for health.
Here I outline common problems, offer three strategies to try, and provide further sources of help.
Do you have a problem?

- you crane forward as you focus on the work
- you slump and pull your head back to see the screen
- you become rigid in your arms, chest, neck and jaw with the effort to focus on the screen.
1. Set up your screen
Aim to look down towards the centre of the screen. This allows the head to be poised on top of the neck. Worksafe (2011 p.42) recommend that the top of the screen be about level with your eyes, and that you sit about a full arm length away from the screen.This is difficult with portable devices, but Worksafe (2011 p.42) has a series of very useful suggestions for using a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
2. Ease back and up
How has your posture changed as you read this email? Are you subtly drawing back from the screen. Good!
Can you sit and view the screen as effortlessly as the young people in this image? (note forearms should not slope upwards towards the keyboard).
3. Look beyond the screen
When you take a break or turn on the computer, sit for a moment. Ask if your hands, arms and shoulders can soften. Ask if your neck is easy.Now be present in the whole room, just as if you were soaking up the sun and breeze at the beach.
Questions to consider
- What can you see using your peripheral vision, beyond and alongside the computer?
- Can you picture the wall, door, window, desk or shelves that are behind you?
- How high is the ceiling? Think gently about lengthening into the space above you.

It may help to imagine travelling along this road, as though the centre of your computer screen is just above the word 'vision'. Think in 3D - ahead, to the sides and the road behind.
I can help with deep habits
The tips above are based on helping other people at their office desk, as well as my own personal experience.
Alexander Technique lessons can quickly help the 'undoing', get you on the right track, and allow you much more comfort during the hours you face the screen.
Please email me or ring. Price for a package of six lessons is $300. Concessions available. Duration is usually 40-50 minutes.
Even better, talk to me about assisting you and others at your workplace.
I have an evidence-based presentation to show HR and section managers, and health & safety representatives.
More information
My blogposts that may help you:
- Observing ourselves in the chair
- Hold your head high
- Look up and down with ease - at the computer and elsewhere
- Will a standing desk help me?
OHS Reps is a great source of information in Victoria. Scroll down for lots of information including : Screen placement; Lighting for VDUs; and Glare and reflection.
Worksafe (2011) Officewise - A Guide To Health And Safety In The Office provides an important set of guidelines.
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