Now we are
looking at the ribs, and how they are involved in lengthening and widening the
First, the ribs
form a moveable cage, extending right up to the collarbone, which is actively
involved in our breathing. Our rib cage can become compressed and rigid as we
sit still for long periods. So start now to simply observe your breathing.
Second, it is
very common for the lower ribs to project forward, our shoulders to pull back,
and our lower back to tighten. Watch for this tendency in yourself and in
others. It can often happen as we straighten up out of a slump,
Experiment – Allowing our lower ribs to release back
As you
experiment, be conscious of your feet on the floor, and allow your head to
float up towards the ceiling, slightly in front of you.
Find the lowest part of your rib cage with your fingers, noting how the lowest ribs angle up towards the centre. Run the tips of the fingers inwards along the tummy muscles just underneath where they connect to those ribs. Gently press into those muscles for a few seconds – asking the muscles to soften. You can move the hand around a little, repeating the light pressure.
Did your
breathing change? Did you notice a change in your neck muscles, your shoulders,
lower back or anywhere else?
Now run your
fingers outwards, down along the ribs – be conscious of your breath out and in,
and think how wide the body is at the lower ribs. You can also try these
activities in front of the bathroom mirror. Perhaps you can visibly see a
Thought bubble -
Again ask for length up the front of your body - from the pubic bone to where
the lower ribs meet, and from there up to the top of the head.
This young girl
is subtly thrusting her lower ribs forward as she pulls her whole upper back
backwards slightly, even though she is beautifully free in the neck and
shoulders. (Why? - the desk is too high for her arms)
About my earlier blog posts - I have just discovered that images in many of them have disappeared. I will battle it out with the gremlins responsible for this, and replace them as soon as possible.
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